[vc_row content_placement=”middle” css=”.vc_custom_1566902423461{padding-top: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;}”][vc_column][careerfy_about_company title=”Software testing can be divided into two steps” about_img=”https://thewisdomtech.comwp-content/uploads/2019/08/training-services.jpg” btn_txt=”Contact Us” btn_url=”/contact-us/”]Verification it refers to the set of tasks that ensure that the software correctly implements a specific function. Validation it refers to a different set of tasks that ensure that the software that has been built is traceable to customer requirements.

Verification: “Are we building the product right?”
Validation: “Are we building the right product?”

Manual Testing” “Automation Testing”
Our experienced team and wide network of certified allows to benefit from local excellence through programs delivered by the professionals.

Among the very best corporate companies, Wisdom Technologies Inc. in USA has not just a commercial market awareness but a cost awareness too. It is experienced in responding to fast changes and global business impacts while delivering high quality products through a professional and efficient services.


We work with you to assess your current Quality Assurance processes and help you define and build the best QA strategy with the right frameworks and tools.

Complete Lifecycle

The goal of an effective QA process is to quickly identify and correct defects. We will help you define your test plan for both manual and automated testing across the entire software development lifecycle: from requirements through design, development, deployment and maintenance.

Embedded Agile

The agile development methodology is an integral part of our approach. Our QA engineers, embedded as part of your teams, help you produce quality results on a rapid, regular basis. We work closely with Scrum Masters and the development team to deliver well-tested, functionally-complete products in every agile sprint or cycle.

Unit Testing Automation Platform

In the age of Agile Development and Continuous Integration it has become important for developers to write and integrate Unit Tests into their coding workflow. Kanda works with your development team to create and integrate the Unit Test Execution Bench that minimizes the extra efforts for developers to use unit testing without decreasing the power of unit tests.

Custom Teams

Rapidly get a team that feels like an extension of your own. We work with you to quickly get the right team in place for your short- and long-term testing needs.

Web, Mobile, On-premises Applications

We are skilled in defining, executing and automating testing for Web, SaaS, Cloud online; Native, Hybrid and Responsive mobile; Stand-alone and Client/Server on-premises. We help you deliver impeccable quality, scalable performance and outstanding UI on any platform.

Test Automation

We help you identify the best areas for testing automation and develop the scripts to enable and automate a script execution platform. We work with you to choose the right frameworks and tools to enable your QA strategy and to embed it in your development lifecycle.
